STMicro Releases New Security Modules with TPM 2.0

Date Published: December, 01, 2016

Long-time TCG member STMicroelectronics has long implemented the TCG TPM specifications. This week, it announced a new product line. From their site (

“…STMicroelectronics…has introduced two state-of-the-art security modules that provide an industry-validated shield to protect computers and smart connected devices against cyber-attacks.

The new STSAFE Trusted Platform Modules (TPM) store system-authentication data such as cryptographic keys and software measurements in inaccessible and unalterable hardware, offering an industry-standardized way to protect PCs and servers, as well as other home and office equipment such as printers, copiers, home gateways, network routers, and switches. This protected storage prevents attackers from interfering with the device’s integrity, stealing private data, or taking over the system to gain unauthorized access or privileges that would put the system, data, or its network at risk…the first of ST’s new STSAFE-TPM devices, the ST33TPHF2ESPI, supports both specifications and can switch easily between the two, allowing OEMs to provide TPM 1.2 or TPM 2.0 capability on the latest device technology. The second device is the ST33TPHF20SPI, which supports TPM 2.0 and has the largest non-volatile memory in the market to provide up to 110Kbytes storage for sensitive data.”

TCG’s TPM 2.0 Library Specification has been adopted an international standard and is published as ISO/IEC 11889:2015 (

More details on the TPM 2.0 Library specification and differences from the original TPM one are noted here (


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Trusted Computing Group announced that its TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) Library Specification was approved as a formal international standard under ISO/IEC (the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission). TCG has 90+ specifications and guidance documents to help build a trusted computing environment.

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