Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Appoints Mark Schiller, Security Industry Expert, to Executive Director

Date Published: April, 01, 2015
New Role to Drive Membership and Strategic Planning

PORTLAND, Ore., April 15, 2015
Trusted Computing Group, not-for-profit organization formed to develop, define and promote open, vendor-neutral, global industry standards supportive of a hardware-based root of trust, today announced it has appointed Mark Schiller as executive director.

Schiller, a former TCG board executive and director who helped lead the formation of the organization and its early specifications, will focus on membership growth and driving the organization into increasingly important computing and security applications, including cloud services, mobile computing and the Internet of Things.

“I am very excited to return to the TCG to build on past successes and continue to ramp the newest initiatives, including delivering Trusted Computing benefits to automotive sectors, the Internet of Things (IoT), and other opportunities,” said Schiller. “The application of Trusted Computing’s benefits to these and other emergent areas of IT are crucial to creating a strong basis for greater security and continuing to realize the TCG vision in new domains.”

Schiller’s experience includes more than two decades of technical, product and standards leadership across various Hewlett-Packard businesses, including cybersecurity, as well as experience in telecommunications. Schiller also has significant experience in private-public sector collaboration in standards and IT policy, both in the U.S. and internationally.

“As the only standards group for trusted computing, TCG has developed widely implemented standards for virtually every aspect of computing for more than a decade,” said Joerg Borchert, president and chairman, TCG. “With the expansion of computing from the cloud to the Internet of Things accessible from a range of devices, we believe the group and its work are ideally positioned to continue to provide building blocks for security. Our new executive director, Mark Schiller, will lead us into this next phase of organizational growth and success in partnership with our current and future members.”

Mon., April 20, at the RSA Conference 2015, TCG will host an association session with panels on enterprise, IoT and mobile security, with a keynote and demonstrations.

Companies wishing to join TCG in its standards development efforts can find more information on membership at

About TCG

More information and TCG’s specifications and work groups are available at the Trusted Computing Group’s website, Follow TCG on Twitter and on LinkedIn.

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Trusted Computing

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