Endpoint Compliance, Data Protection, Identity Management, Mobile Security, Embedded Security, and Security Automation Themes of TCG RSA Conference 2014 Demonstration

Date Published: January, 01, 2015

Endpoint Compliance, Data Protection, Identity Management, Mobile Security, Embedded Security, and Security Automation Themes of TCG RSA Conference 2014 Demonstrations
Date Published: February 24, 2014
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24, 2014 – Members of the Trusted Computing Group today will show RSA® Conference 2014 attendees how deeply its concepts, including the root of trust, have extended into enterprise computing. In Room 2018 of Moscone West, 19 companies will participate in 12 demos, most of which are new to RSA attendees and involve readily available products and solutions, including open source options.

The demos are part of the TCG’s association session, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., which includes panels on endpoint compliance and security automation, the TPM and mobile security.

Tweet this: New demos for endpoint, embedded, network, mobile security @RSAC TCG session 2.24, Moscone West Rm. 2018. http://bit.ly/165GL95

With recent data breaches still big news, four demos, created by teams from Intel, WinMagic and HP; Samsung and Wave; WinMagic and Seagate; and Absolute and Seagate address the growing use of self-encrypting drives, including solid-state drives, and their management in the enterprise. Pre-boot authentication, SED set-up, breach protection and other SED benefits will be shown.

Mobile security continues to be a critical issue, and TCG members DMI, Juniper Networks, JW Secure, Microsoft and Trustonic show a range of capabilities including BYOD security, enabling the TPM in a Trusted Execution Environment, and automating obile device security.

Also in the mobile mode, a group that includes Decoit GmbH, Trust@HSH and University of Applied Sciences Rapperswill implements TCG TNC specifications with open source support for BYOD security.

Intel demonstrates an example of a TPM Software Stack for the TPM 2.0, a system API that accesses key TPM functionality and shows commands being sent to and from a simulator.

Industrial control systems security issues continue to headline the news. Asguard Networks and Juniper Networks demonstrate dynamic protection for critical infrastructure networks connecting with enterprise and public networks, using TCG IF-MAP.

The TPM features in several demos, including using the widely available and cost-efficient TPM as a virtual smart card and employing the TPM in increasingly vulnerable embedded systems.

The complete association session guide is available at http://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/resources/rsa_conference_2014_get_proactive_with_security.

More information and TCG’s specifications are available at trustedcomputinggroup.org.

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Trusted Computing

Standards-based Trusted Computing technologies developed by TCG members now are deployed in enterprise systems, storage systems, networks, embedded systems, and mobile devices and can help secure cloud computing and virtualized systems.

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Trusted Computing Group announced that its TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) Library Specification was approved as a formal international standard under ISO/IEC (the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission). TCG has 90+ specifications and guidance documents to help build a trusted computing environment.

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