TCG Blog

Regulatory Reflections: The European Union’s Radio Equipment Directive

Date Published: July, 10, 2024

In the last two blogs in the series, we covered a number of regulations relating to connected devices within the United States: the US Cyber Trust Mark and the PATCH Act. Now we turn our attention to Europe, and the work being done by the European Union (… READ MORE

Regulatory Reflections: The PATCH Act

Date Published: June, 26, 2024

Healthcare institutions have remained a key target for hackers in recent years. 2023 saw two unfortunate records set when it comes to cybersecurity, with the most data breaches and the most breached records. With 725 reported data breaches and over 133 mi… READ MORE

Regulatory Reflections: The U.S Cyber Trust Mark Program

Date Published: June, 25, 2024

Internet of Things (IoT) devices continue to underpin business operations of enterprises across the globe. Over 29 billion connected devices are expected to be online by 2027, but their vulnerability to cyberattacks can quickly overshadow any positive ben… READ MORE

Security by Design: Highlights from the JRF’s Open Workshop

Date Published: May, 07, 2024

Last month, the Japan Regional Forum held the ‘TCG’s Challenge for Next Generation Cyber Security’ open workshop. Aiming to enhance IT and cybersecurity literacy across Japan, participants were able to learn more about Roots-of-Trust (RoT) at the ha… READ MORE

Safeguarding the Future of AI: The Imperative for Responsible Development

Date Published: October, 17, 2023

In the midst of the Artificial Intelligence revolution, we stand at a pivotal juncture that demands our collective attention and action. The extraordinary capabilities of artificial intelligence have the potential to reshape industries, economies, and soc… READ MORE

Trusted Computing: The essential building blocks to a secure system

Date Published: October, 17, 2023

Trust is one of the most valuable commodities in the world. Without trust, commerce doesn’t function, systems break down, and the networks of computers and internet-connected devices we have all come to rely on cannot operate. The cornerstone of comp… READ MORE

Why hackers love EV charging ports, and how to make them trustworthy

Date Published: August, 01, 2023

By Eoin Carroll, Vehicle Services Work Group As of 2023 there are now 1.7 million electric cars in operation in the USA, a 325% increase from 400,000 in just four years. These are typically cheaper to fuel than petrol-or diesel-powered vehicles and oft… READ MORE

Avoid the ‘Space Raiders’: Ensuring satellite security through TCG standards

Date Published: June, 01, 2023

The EU Commission and High Representative recently announced the ‘European Space Strategy for Security and Defence’ for the first time. Within this strategy, the Commission outlined plans to provide a framework for safety, security, and sustainability… READ MORE

DICE DPE: Simplifying your options for easy implementation

Date Published: May, 11, 2023

By Dennis Mattoon, Co-Chair of the DICE Work Group In most large devices, a hardware Root-of-Trust (RoT), such as the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), is used to help defend against firmware attacks. Over a billion devices currently have a TPM inside of… READ MORE

Overcoming attacks against the data center with trusted computing methodology

Date Published: April, 20, 2023

By Dennis Mattoon, Co-Chair of the Data Center Work Group Owing to the value of information and applications stored in them, data centers remain key targets for cybercriminals. A series of cyberattacks carried out between September 2021 and January 202… READ MORE