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Thursday, September 18, 2014, GMT-0700
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Industrial Control System (ICS) Security Using TNC Technology Webcast

Thursday, September 18, 2014, GMT-0700

Industrial Control System (ICS) Security Using TNC Technology Webcast

September 18, 2014

Online Webcast

When: Thursday Septemeber 18, 2014 10:00am PT
60 minutes
Where: BrightTalk

On Demand Viewing: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/7423/121375

PDF of Presentation Material: Download

Industrial control systems represent one of the largest and potentially damaging attack surfaces in our now-interconnected world. Although gains have been made with awareness of security for ICS and SCADA networks, solutions are still emerging. TCG, with other groups, has been working to develop standards that will enable comprehensive ICS security building on existing standards and for both existing and future industrial network architectures.

This webcast will address the need for a distributed network approach to ICS security and how TCG standards, complementing those developed by ISA/IEC, can implement the deployment, management and protection of large-scale ICS. The approach is based on a virtual overlay network that tops a standard Internet Protocol network infrastructure.

Experts from The Boeing Corporation, Asguard Networks and Tofino Security/Belden will address the key concepts of the overlay network, the status of standards for implementation and key strategies for ICS network architects and security professionals.

Attendees learn how to evaluate and use these standards and critical steps for secure ICS networks.

Eric Byres, CTO and vice president engineering, Tofino Security. Byres is recognized as one of the world’s leading experts in the field of SCADA security, and with a background as a process controls engineer, he has a unique combination of deep technical knowledge plus practical field experience. He has written extensively on Stuxnet, leads various industry standards groups and has consulted with governments and enterprises.

Lisa Lorenzin, principal solutions architect at Juniper Networks. Lorenzin specializes in security and mobility solutions and has worked in a variety of Internet-related roles since 1994, with more than a decade of that focused on network and information security. She is currently concentrating on enterprise security – including network segmentation, end-to-end identity-based access control, and integration of mobile security.

David Mattes, founder, Asguard Networks, has developed  network security appliances that help companies connect their industrial assets in a way that is highly secure, cost-effective and easy-to-use. He is the founder and lead developer for ompad, an open source IF-MAP server. Prior to Asguard Networks, Mattes was The Boeing Company where he developed architecture and implementations for managing legacy connectivity for industrial control systems, embedded wireless controllers for hydraulic testing, a secure mobile factory workstation, and other applications.

Dr. Steven Venema, Associate Technical Fellow in the Networked Systems Technology organization of Boeing’s Research and Technology (BR&T) business unit. He has extensive experience with robotics and control systems, network systems architecture,  wireless security protocols and real-time embedded systems. His current activities at Boeing include the development of new standards-based communications, network security, mobility and location protocols and services, with a focus on implementations for the Boeing enterprise and its customers. As part of his duties, he is actively participating in public standards development activities at the ISA (ISA100.15 WG), the Trusted Computing Group (TNC WG), and The Open Group (the Security Forum and the Real Time Embedded Systems Forum).

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