What: Trusted Computing Group (TCG) and members from Drive Trust Alliance, Micron and ULink will demonstrate self-encrypting storage and its use in enterprise, client and Internet of Things applications at the Aug. 9-11 Flash Memory Summit, Santa Clara, Calif.
TCG member experts also will participate in several sessions addressing encryption and related applications.
On Aug. 9, Session 103-A: Security in a Flash! (Security Track) will address open issues and squarely face challenges in securing data on flash memory. The panel will pose issues and opportunities relating to securing flash storage; and will discuss how large government and private organizations can integrate secure flash storage into their IT infrastructures going forward.
Also on Aug. 9, Session 104-A: Privacy Versus (In)security: Who Should Win and Why Between Apple and the FBI? (Security Track), TCG experts will look at the tension between security and data recovery, search for win/win tradeoffs and alternatives,
When: Exhibit hours Aug. 9 are 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.; Aug. 10, 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Aug. 11, 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. More details here.
Where: Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Pkwy., Santa Clara, CA 95054
Website: More information and the organization’s specifications are available at the Trusted Computing Group’s website, trustedcomputinggroup.org. Event info at http://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/event/flash-memory-summit/.
CONTACT: Anne Price, PR Works, Inc.
[email protected]
Twitter: @TrustedComputin
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Trusted-Computing-Group-4555624
Membership in the Trusted Computing Group is your key to participating with fellow industry stakeholders in the quest to develop and promote trusted computing technologies.
Standards-based Trusted Computing technologies developed by TCG members now are deployed in enterprise systems, storage systems, networks, embedded systems, and mobile devices and can help secure cloud computing and virtualized systems.
Trusted Computing Group announced that its TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) Library Specification was approved as a formal international standard under ISO/IEC (the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission). TCG has 90+ specifications and guidance documents to help build a trusted computing environment.