How can we secure the Internet of Things (IoT)? This topic has stirred considerable debate recently, with Bruce Schneier and other important figures proclaiming that IoT is “indefensible” or worse.
Today, TCG is releasing a document titled “TCG Guidance for Securing IoT”. This document takes a constructive approach to IoT security, identifying the problems that must be addressed and describing how these problems can be addressed using the proven security technologies defined in TCG standards and implemented in hundreds of products. While TCG has identified some areas where enhancements to these standards are needed to address specific IoT needs, many IoT security problems can be addressed today using the existing products and standards.
TCG invites those who wish to engage in a concrete and constructive dialog about IoT security to review this new document and send comments to[email protected]. All comments received by May 20, 2015 will be considered during the subsequent development of this guidance document and of other TCG specifications to address IoT security needs. If you would like to participate actively in the development of IoT security standards in TCG, contact [email protected] to become a TCG member.
Membership in the Trusted Computing Group is your key to participating with fellow industry stakeholders in the quest to develop and promote trusted computing technologies.
Standards-based Trusted Computing technologies developed by TCG members now are deployed in enterprise systems, storage systems, networks, embedded systems, and mobile devices and can help secure cloud computing and virtualized systems.
Trusted Computing Group announced that its TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) Library Specification was approved as a formal international standard under ISO/IEC (the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission). TCG has 90+ specifications and guidance documents to help build a trusted computing environment.