TCG Blog

Don’t Gamble on Auto Security: A Look at New DICE Work from TCG

Date Published: September, 18, 2017

TCG has been working to provide enabling security solutions for embedded and IoT for some time. The group has work groups working in automotive security (, including using a TP… READ MORE

TCG TPM and TEE Secure Mobile Hardware; TCG Association Sponsor for TEE Event Sept. 12, 2017

Date Published: August, 22, 2017

As of 2016, more than half of Internet users access the web on mobile devices. The BYOD, Choose Your Own Device, and enterprise-owned device models mean that business and personal data now coexist on the same device. All of these devices mean even more at… READ MORE

TCG Sponsors New Podcast Series with Embedded Computing Design

Date Published: August, 09, 2017

TCG has teamed up with Embedded Computing Design to host a new series of podcasts ( addressing IoT and embedded design, development and security issues. ECD’s Rich Nass and Brandon Lewis talk with Jeff Finn, CEO of data categor… READ MORE

TCG to Talk Industrial IoT Security in Barcelona, IoT Solutions World Congress, October 3

Date Published: August, 02, 2017

TCG members and security experts are hosting a special session, How to Build Secure, Highly Reliable Critical Systems and Networks for the IoT on October 3, 2017 at the IoT Solutions World Congress (link to… READ MORE

Securing Network Gear Critical to IoT and Enterprise Security; TCG Needs Your Input Now!

Date Published: July, 20, 2017

Trusted Computing Group recently announced new work to secure the critical network gear that the Internet and connected things rely on. The group is now seeking input from the industry through Sept. 11, 2017. Input can be sent to admin@trustedcomputinggro… READ MORE

Warding off Ransomware Threats in Industrial Control Systems: (Part 2)

Date Published: July, 06, 2017

Part 1 of this blog series discussed how users and enterprises that delayed the implementation of a previously discovered vulnerability in the Windows operating system became victims of the WannaCry ransomware. Since all organizations with industrial cont… READ MORE

TCG Awarded Best of Show, IoT Evolution Expo Las Vegas 2017, for Security

Date Published: July, 02, 2017

Last week, TCG attended the IoT Evolution Expo in Las Vegas. With member representatives from Infineon and Mocana, we demonstrated multiple TCG standards and specifications and how they’re used to protect the IoT. We also participated in three panel ses… READ MORE

WannaCry Delivers a Wake-up Call for Protecting Industrial Control Systems: (Part 1)

Date Published: June, 29, 2017

The recent ransomware worm in the WannaCrypt or WannaCry (Wcry) malware infected more than 200,000 systems across 150 countries. The virus targeted out of date computing systems not unlike those that can be found in an industrial control system (ICS). Whi… READ MORE

TCG’s Steve Hanna Talks IoT Security with IoT Evolution in New Podcast

Date Published: June, 26, 2017

TCG’s Steve Hanna often speaks and writes on the concepts of trusted computing and its role in helping secure the very vulnerable IoT and embedded systems in his role as co-chair of several TCG work groups. This week, Steve sits down with Ken Briodagh,… READ MORE

TCG Releases Trust Assessment Framework

Date Published: June, 18, 2017

In today’s enterprise, cloud computing allows enterprises to acquire or maintain computer services without building the infrastructure themselves. Cloud services often are combined with in-house infrastructure in a model that’s known as the hybrid clo… READ MORE