STMicroelectronics Boosts Trusted Computing with New Advanced Security Modules

   Expansion of STSAFE family with latest Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) extends support for state-of-the-art hardware-based online security Largest on-chip memory in the market provides greater storage for sensitive data … Continue reading “STMicroelectronics Boosts Trusted Computing with New Advanced Security Modules”

Trusted Computing Group Recognizes Members for Leadership and Service to Trusted Computing and Cybersecurity

PORTLAND, Ore., Oct.25, 2016 – Trusted Computing Group has honored nine of its member company representatives for their leadership, service and contributions to the development and adoption of global industry … Continue reading “Trusted Computing Group Recognizes Members for Leadership and Service to Trusted Computing and Cybersecurity”

Trusted Computing Group Brings Cybersecurity Seminar to Korea October 18 for IT, Security and Developer Professionals

CONTACT: Anne Price, PR Works, Inc. +1-602-330-6495 [email protected] Twitter: @TrustedComputin 담당자: 앤 프라이스(Anne Price), PR Works, Inc. +1-602-330-6495 [email protected] Twitter: @TrustedComputin TRUSTED COMPUTING GROUP BRINGS CYBERSECURITY SEMINAR TO KOREA OCTOBER … Continue reading “Trusted Computing Group Brings Cybersecurity Seminar to Korea October 18 for IT, Security and Developer Professionals”

Endpoint Compliance, Data Protection, Identity Management, Mobile Security, Embedded Security, and Security Automation Themes of TCG RSA Conference 2014 Demonstration

Endpoint Compliance, Data Protection, Identity Management, Mobile Security, Embedded Security, and Security Automation Themes of TCG RSA Conference 2014 Demonstrations Date Published: February 24, 2014 SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24, 2014 … Continue reading “Endpoint Compliance, Data Protection, Identity Management, Mobile Security, Embedded Security, and Security Automation Themes of TCG RSA Conference 2014 Demonstration”

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Joins Trusted Computing Group Board of Directors to Drive Computing Security

PORTLAND, Ore., May 16, 2016 – Trusted Computing Group (TCG) today announced that Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, has joined its … Continue reading “Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Joins Trusted Computing Group Board of Directors to Drive Computing Security”


俄勒冈州波特兰–(美国商业资讯)–物联网互联设备和服务的爆炸性增长催生了对隐私和安全的需求。2016年5月11日,可信计算组(TCG)和全国信息安全标准化技术委员会(TC 260)在中国北京中关村皇冠假日酒店举办了国际可信计算和云安全峰会,讨论如何应对这一挑战。   来自领先的技术公司、学术研究机构和政府的专家代表们将在峰会上发表主题演讲和技术讲解。演讲主题涵盖许多领域,包括国际标准、特定领域的实施和通用跨平台技术,提供了物联网、云和应用领域的创新和采用可信计算的实践案例。关于可信计算的新发展对企业应用、消费者保护和产品所产生的影响,本论坛也会提供重要见解。   可信计算组董事会副总裁陈静表示:“有如此多的专家参加本峰会,发表他们关于可信计算的愿景和策略,让人感到十分振奋。我们与国际和中国国内可信计算领域的专家们密切合作,确定了最具相关性的讨论主题,以促进包括物联网和云在内的新兴安全领域的合作。”   自2009年起,TCG的大中华区论坛就一直与中国企业和学术专家合作,推动协作式的国际可信计算标准的发展,以应对国际和国内市场的需求。国际标准组织/国际电工委员会已于2015年批准了TPM 2.0规范,并作为ISO/IEC 11889:2015予以发布。   关于该活动的更多信息和日程,请访问这里。   关于可信计算组   可信计算组(TCG)是一家非盈利组织,目的是为互操作可信计算平台制定、界定和推广开放和厂商中立的全球行业标准,支持基于硬件的可信根(root of trust)。   关于TCG的更多信息,请访问。在Twitter和LinkedIn上关注TCG。   免责声明:本公告之原文版本乃官方授权版本。译文仅供方便了解之用,烦请参照原文,原文版本乃唯一具法律效力之版本。   联系方式:   可信计算组 Anne Price, +1-602-330-6495 [email protected]

Trusted Computing Group Co-Hosts International Trusted Computing and Cloud Security Summit

PORTLAND, Ore.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The explosive growth of connected devices and services in the Internet of Things has created demand for privacy and security. This challenge was addressed at the International … Continue reading “Trusted Computing Group Co-Hosts International Trusted Computing and Cloud Security Summit”