TCG Blog

How to Trust Your Operational Technology (OT) Networks – A Look at Securing Manufacturing

Date Published: September, 27, 2016

Even as enterprises make progress on securing traditional IT networks, the OT, or operational technology, side of networks remain surprisingly vulnerable. Why? In the IT world, administrators regularly patch, use more current versions of hardware and soft… READ MORE

追悼 山口英先生

Date Published: September, 20, 2016

by Jun Takei, Intel Corporation 日本の情報セキュリティに多大なる貢献をされてきた奈良先端科学技術大学院大学の山口英先生が2016年5月9日に急逝されました。 先生のいままでの功績は多くの… READ MORE

Most Security Human Error – But Trust Plays Key Role

Date Published: September, 15, 2016

In the world of cybersecurity, there certainly seems to be lots of work to do - each day brings new breaches, attacks and vulnerabilities. While much of security involves human error or negligence, foundational security based on the concepts of trust can … READ MORE

Security of Things Forum Sept. 22, Cambridge, Features TCG Intel Speaker and Many Others; Discount Tickets Available

Date Published: September, 13, 2016

For several years, Security Ledger ( has been hosting the Security of Things Forum in the Boston area. This year, Christian Science Monitor is co-hosting and the line-up looks great - speakers will offer IoT security perspective… READ MORE

Trusted Computing Group September 20, 2016 Webcast to Address Strong Device Identity & Securing Endpoints

Date Published: September, 08, 2016

As part of its ongoing webcast series, Trusted Computing Group and members will host a session Tuesday, Sept. 20, 9:00 a.m. Pacific/12:00 p.m. to address how to secure the IoT with strong device identity and techniques to securing IoT endpoints and the ro… READ MORE

Trust and Manufacturing: TCG Expert Explains Role of Trust and Security in Sept. 9 Conference

Date Published: September, 01, 2016

Manufacturers worldwide are deeply concerned about protecting their processes, intellectual property, products and brands. While hacking of baby monitors and thermostats might grab headlines, larger problems are looming as manufacturers of all kinds of it… READ MORE

Trusted Computing Group engaging with South Korean High Tech Community

Date Published: August, 29, 2016

South Korea’s importance to Information Technology and the Automotive Industry has continued to increase over the years and security considerations are a crucial success factor for those industries..   The Trusted Computing Group (TCG) is excited to b… READ MORE

Data Protection Key to IoT and Embedded Systems

Date Published: August, 25, 2016

By now, almost all new storage drives - whether client or enterprise - include the ability to constantly encrypt data at rest. These drives, based on standards created by the Trusted Computing Group (… READ MORE

Trusting the Industrial Internet of Things

Date Published: August, 01, 2016

As we’ve mentioned before here at Trusted Computing Group, we have been working actively in the Industrial Internet Consortium on the development of its to-be-published security framework. According to a recent post from the IIC, “…utilizing the I… READ MORE

Cars Are Rolling Application Platforms – and They Need Lots of Storage

Date Published: July, 26, 2016

Storage expert and contributor Tom Coughlin has posted a blog about the growing amount  and value of memory devices in cars. Coughlin notes, “...estimated 5% of the memory market goes into automobiles today and this is expected to grow to 1… READ MORE