TCG Blog

Creating a Strong Foundation for Mobile Security with the Mobile TPM

Date Published: January, 01, 2015

The British newspaper The Telegraph recently reported that the three biggest issues for mobile security are data loss, theft, malware and unsecured networks – no big surprise there for those of us in the industry. Business and trade publications likewi… READ MORE

TPM as Virtual Smart Card – A No-Brainer?

Date Published: January, 01, 2015

At the Trusted Cyber Collaboration Workshop, experts from Infineon, Wave Systems, HP, Wave Systems and Asguard Networks addressed a number of trending security issues and the role of trust in helping solve them. John Fitzgerald of Wave Systems addressed … READ MORE

TNC Certification

Date Published: January, 01, 2015

TNC Certification TNC Certification is open to both TCG members and non-TCG members.  Each individual IF-xx interface (described in more detail at the bottom of this page) for a product is available for certification.  Any combination… READ MORE

Trusted Computing Group Defines Authorization System for IF-MAP

Date Published: January, 01, 2015

The success of TCG’s IF-MAP has brought new challenges. IF-MAP is a protocol for dynamic data interchange among a wide variety of networking and security components. IF-MAP enables users to implement multi-vendor systems that provide coordinated defense… READ MORE

Network Security

Date Published: January, 01, 2015

31 October, 2014 Shouldn’t Security Be a Standard? Thanks, Atmel! The attacks and hacks keep coming. Atmel, a long-time TCG member and provider of the TPM, has commented in a new blog, “Shouldn’t Security Be a Standard?”. Indeed. As Atmel says,… READ MORE

Mobile Security

Date Published: January, 01, 2015

4 November, 2014 TPM as Virtual Smart Card - A No-Brainer? At the Trusted Cyber Collaboration Workshop, experts from Infineon, Wave Systems, HP, Wave Systems and Asguard Networks addressed a number of trending security issues and the role of trust in he… READ MORE


Date Published: January, 01, 2015

Certification TCG Certification Program The TCG has created these certification programs to promote consistent quality among products built to the TCG specifications.  This provides a useful tool to assist customers in verifying security and functiona… READ MORE


Date Published: January, 01, 2015

Events subscribe RSS 12 Apr 2016 - 14 Apr 2016 Detroit, MI SAE World Congress 18 May 2016 - 20 May 2016 Ottawa, Ontario International Cryptographic Module Conference 2016 (ICMC) 13 Jun 2016 - 15 Jun 2016 San Mateo, CA Data Storage Innovation Conference … READ MORE


Date Published: December, 18, 2014

TCG日本支部 インテル株式会社 竹井 淳                       2014年12月18日 TCGの日本支部は設立したその年から毎年、公開のワークショップを開催してきました… READ MORE

TPM Improves Mobile Security with New Specification for Mobile Devices

Date Published: December, 16, 2014

It’s no secret that more users, including those in the workplace, rely on their mobile phones, tablets, PDAs, and similar mobile devices to get work done. Likewise, nobody argues that these devices are totally secure. There are many software-based secu… READ MORE