TNC Certification

Date Published: January, 01, 2015

TNC Certification

TNC Certification is open to both TCG members and non-TCG members.  Each individual IF-xx interface (described in more detail at the bottom of this page) for a product is available for certification.  Any combination of IF-xx interfaces for a product are allowed.

For an implementer (either TCG member or non-TCG member) to have TNC products added to the TNC Certified Product List, they must provide proof of successful compliance testing, interoperability testing and completion of the application process.

Compliance TestingTCG has automated Compliance Test Suite(s) for each IF-xx interface which can be licensed to implementers without any cost.  You may use the applicable IF-xx Compliance Test Suite(s) to ensure that your product works as intended without applying for TNC Certification.  Download, complete and return the:

Interoperability Testing

Interoperability Testing must be done at a TNC Plugfest as coordinated by TCG on an ad hoc basis. Generally, when there is adequate interest from enough parties, an event shall be scheduled.  These plugfests are funded by the attendees.

  • Notify the TCG of your interest in participating in the next TNC Plugfest (you may contact them through [email protected].)
  • Attend the next scheduled event and ensure your results are accurately reported to the TCG.

Application for Certification

TCG has created an application process to provide the required proof of Compliance and Interoperability Testing.  As a benefit to TCG members, no fee is charged.

  • Complete Application Form to verify company and product information
    • This information will be used for auditing purposes and to identify your product on the TNC Certified Product List.
  • Provide information on successful Compliance and Interoperability Testing
    • Note the date and location of the event where your product was tested for Administration verification
  • Attach Proof of Successful Compliance Testing (PDF of test log)
  • If you are a non-TCG member, attach Payment of $5,000 USD per IF-XX interface to be tested up to a maximum of $10,000 USD per product (regardless of the number IF-XX interfaces supported).  Application fees are used to balance the TCG investment in administrative and development costs.  See the TNC Certification Program Suite for details.
    • TCG accepts company check or international bank transfers. To request an invoice, please email [email protected].

Additional Information

TCG has made the documents below available to the public in support of the procedures outlined above.  Please feel free to contact [email protected] with any questions.


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Trusted Computing

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