
Trusted Computing Group (TCG) に関するご質問、お問い合わせ等は下記までご連絡ください。(日本語・英語可)

Trusted Computing Group 事務局
3855 SW 153rd Drive
Beaverton, OR 97006
Phone: +1-503-619-0562
Fax: +1-503-644-6708
Email: [email protected]
日本窓口:090-3237-7189 (重村)


Membership in the Trusted Computing Group is your key to participating with fellow industry stakeholders in the quest to develop and promote trusted computing technologies.

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Trusted Computing

Standards-based Trusted Computing technologies developed by TCG members now are deployed in enterprise systems, storage systems, networks, embedded systems, and mobile devices and can help secure cloud computing and virtualized systems.

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Trusted Computing Group announced that its TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) Library Specification was approved as a formal international standard under ISO/IEC (the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission). TCG has 90+ specifications and guidance documents to help build a trusted computing environment.

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